Thursday, March 12, 2009


Hello, people have been asking me what blogs (not sites but blogs, artist blogs specifically) i follow...but since i follow way to many to actually list i decided to narrow it down for now...


artist blogs i always go back to, sometimes everyday.
and i might miss a few but i'll add more when i remember.
in no particular order:

Frank Stockton always a good blog to check, great work and great advice!
Yuko Shimizu recently found out that she has a blog...which is very good news for everyone.
Jillian Tamaki very refreshing! also once in a while posts about other good stuff too i wouldn't have found otherwise.
Francis Vallejo guy is crazy good! i have immense respect for him and his work.
Audrey Kawasaki always like to check out her work. her other blog is fun to check out to.
James Jean mr. jean, great artist and...great artist.
Gorilla Artfare a lot of artists i respect post here so...good show.
Irene Gallo's Art Department really great source for all things great!
Andrew Hem really admire his work.
Vincent Hui just discovered him, check his site, dig it!
Jeremy Enecio, blows my mind and only 3 years older than me? also check his old blog which i still always go back to for inspiration.
Chris Buzelli he teaches at my school, but i havn't had the great opportunity to take his class year!

These are like the top ones i check out of the mannnny that i have on my bookmarks list (doesn't include all the design, photography, fashion blogs i check either). so there it is guys, blogs are a really great source of inspiriation, information, and eye candy.


Also besides checking blogs and websites, I also go through all the American Illustrations and SI annuals. The library here has ones from way back...really interesting and great to see work of older generations. Gotta love it!

Thursday, March 5, 2009

Thru You

Guy takes bunch of youtube clips.
mixes them.
good stuff.

my favorite: #7

take a listen!!!